Mission, Vision, Values


Mission Statement

Embodying community stewardship by cultivating cultural and technological liaisons.

Why We Exist:

Frontline and Vulnerable Communities facing Environmental Racism and Systemic Racism need not stand alone, thus Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp exists to stand in solidarity.

What do we do today:

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp embodies community stewardship by cultivating cultural liaisons and tech liaisons that uplift themselves and others.

Who do we serve:

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp serves Frontline and Vulnerable Communities facing Environmental Racism and Systemic Racism. We serve by assisting commissions, such as those founded by House Resolution 40, the United States Commission on Civil Rights. We serve by investigative reporting and assisting to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and African Union Initiatives, by collective efforts.

What we are attempting to accomplish:

Each day we attempt to achieve a self sustaining Community Stewardship. Community Stewardship is critical to achieving Sustainable Development Goals, as well as Gender and Racial Equity.

What impact we do have:

Updates on our impact can be found here: https://wordpress.com/page/afrofuturisthumanistactivistcorp.wordpress.com/36

What we want to achieve

Our long term goal is to embody, and encode the Universal Declaration of Human rights within self-defending, self-aware, self-healing, self-sustaining communities, composed of individuals that uplift themselves and one another.

Vision Statement

We build communities of educated, engaged, globally minded, locally ready civilians and citizens.

Who we shall become:

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp strives to become a community stewardship collective of cultural liaisons and technological liaison.

Where are we going:

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp strives to attain the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the 2063 African Union Initiatives, assist the House Resolution 40 Commission on Reparations, as well as assist in investigative reporting in regards to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

What we want to achieve:

Educating and engage civilians and citizens with their own communities in a positve sustainable praxis.

What type of future society do we want:

We strive for a world that heals, builds, and defends itself, in a socially just fashion. In a word- Eudaimonia.

Values Statement

Biomimicry, Adaptability, and Shared Honor

What we stand for:

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp stands for the values of biomimicry, adaptability and shared honor.

The value of Biomimicry is embodied by virtue’s elegance in human form, extending through the human mind and, into human social structures and constructs, by mimicking patterns found in Nature.

The value of Adaptability is encoded via the uplifting of EQ, social awareness, and self-mastery.

The value of Shared Honor considers the uplifter and the upliftee in the exchanges of human behavior. It is found in our day to day, in the regularly scheduled activities, throughout our long term goals, in each collective noble task, shared enlightening lesson, in each victory of humanity, as a species. It is a shared honor to be human with you, and all 8 billion of us share in the honor that is to be human.

What behaviour we value over others:

Inculcating Indivisibility is valued more than hatred.

Bravery is valued more than fear.

Social Justice is valued more than revenge (also known as so called ‘personal justice’, or ‘finding comfort in what justice is dispensed by a so called justice system already found to be guilty of being implicity racially bias). https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/12/us/harvard-racial-disparity-criminal-justice-trnd/index.html

Being so wealthy that every human being in our species never goes broke (also known as post-scarcity, In The Spirit of Kardashev), is valued more than personal greed.

How we will conduct our actions to acheive our mission and vision:

By healing, building, and defending our communities, chronicling our personal and communal development, by uplifting our Self and Communities, we achieve our mission and vision.

Afrofuturist Humanist Activist Corp Logo circa 2021

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